
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ P. Koza?kova” ,找到相关结果约240020条。
Methodological Approaches to Costs Evaluation of Canned Feed
J. Ja?nsky?, J. Pola?c?kova, P. Kozakova
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2012,
Abstract: The paper deals with methodological approaches of cost evaluation of canned feed production, especially cost evaluation of corn silage or silage from melted multiannual fodder on arable land. Mainly there is modification of the cost calculation method in two steps used for chosen fodder crops up to now. The first step is cost calculation of chosen fodder crops during cultivation and harvesting. The second step is cost calculation of chosen fodder crops processing, it means process of crops ensilage.The result of methodological modification of cost evaluation of canned feed production is an aggregate of own cost calculation by combining both phases of calculation, i.e. connection in the initial phase of cultivation and harvesting of fodder crops and the subsequent phase of processing and transport of canned feed.The paper is a partial output of a Research project of FBE MUAF Brno, (MSM No 6215648904).
Inherent Plasticity of Brown Adipogenesis in White Fat of Mice Allows for Recovery from Effects of Post-Natal Malnutrition
Leslie P. Kozak, Robert A. Koza, Rea Anunciado-Koza, Tamra Mendoza, Susan Newman
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030392
Abstract: Interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) is formed during fetal development and stable for the life span of the mouse. In addition, brown adipocytes also appear in white fat depots (wBAT) between 10 and 21 days of age in mice maintained at a room temperature of 23°C. However, this expression is transient. By 60 days of age the brown adipocytes have disappeared, but they can re-emerge if the adult mouse is exposed to the cold (5°C) or treated with β3-adrenergic agonists. Since the number of brown adipocytes that can be induced in white fat influences the capacity of the mouse to resist the obese state, we determined the effects of the nutritional conditions on post-natal development (birth to 21 days) of wBAT and its long-term effects on diet-induced obesity (DIO). Under-nutrition caused essentially complete suppression of wBAT in inguinal fat at 21 days of age, as indicated by expression of Ucp1 and genes of mitochondrial structure and function based upon microarray and qRT-PCR analysis, whereas over-nutrition had no discernible effects on wBAT induction. Surprisingly, the suppression of wBAT at 21 days of age did not affect DIO in adult mice maintained at 23°C, nor did it affect the reduction in obesity or cold tolerance when DIO mice were exposed to the cold at 5°C for one week. Gene expression analysis indicated that mice raised under conditions that suppressed wBAT at 21 days of age were able to normally induce wBAT as adults. Therefore, neither severe hypoleptinemia nor hypoinsulinemia during suckling permanently impaired brown adipogenesis in white fat. In addition, energy balance studies of DIO mice exposed to cold indicates that mice with reduced adipose stores preferentially increased food intake, whereas those with larger adipose tissue depots preferred to utilize energy from their adipose stores.
Kova?evi?, P.
- , 1982,
Abstract: Hr?ak ID: 15100
PRIKAZI IZ LITERATURE: B. ?ivkovi?, V. Nejgebauer, ?. Tomasijevi?, N. Miljkovi?, L. Stojkovi?, P. Drezgi? "ZEMLJI?TA VOJVODINE"
Kova?evi?, P.
- , 1975,
Abstract: Hr?ak ID: 16556
PRIKAZI IZ LITERATUTE: - Slavko Borojevi?, Katarina Borojevi?: Genetika; - M. Gra?anin: Op?i principi fertilizacije tala
Kova?evi?, J.,Kova?evi?, P.
- , 1971,
Abstract: Hr?ak ID: 16763
PRIKAZI IZ LITERATURE: - GERASIMOV I.P.: "Zadaci sovjetske pedologije u svjetlu novog programa i zaklju?aka XXII kongresa KPSS", Moskva, 2962.; - Simpozijum savezne akademije poljoprivrednih nauka u vezi problema dirigirane nasljednosti poljoprivrednih biljaka; - KNICKMANN H.: Die Ertragslage der Ackerb?den Bayerus. Bauerisches Land- wirtschaflichen Jahrbuch, München, 1957. ; - Study of clay on some genetical soil types in Yugoslavia, Baltimore, 1962.; - Prinos pitanju mineralnog dopunskog gnojenja u ekonomijama na bazi gnojenja s gnojovkom, München- Bonn- Wien, 1961.; - EISELE, Ch.: Travne tratine i zelene povr?ine, Berlin- Hamburg
Kova, P.,Kova?evi?, Josip,Kova?evi?, Pavao
- , 1963,
Abstract: Hr?ak ID: 16677
Link between the diversity, heterogeneity and kinetic properties of amorphous ice structures
Michael Marek Koza,Thomas Hansen,Roland P. May,Helmut Schober
Physics , 2006, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2006.02.162
Abstract: Based on neutron wide-angle diffraction and small-angle neutron scattering experiments, we show that there is a correlation between the preparational conditions of amorphous ice structures, their microscopic structural properties, the extent of heterogeneities on a mesoscopic spatial scale and the transformation kinetics. There are only two modifications that can be identified as homogeneous disordered structures, namely the very high-density vHDA and the low-density amorphous LDA ice. Structures showing an intermediate static structure factor with respect to vHDA and LDA are heterogeneous phases. This holds independently from their preparation procedure, i.e. either obtained by pressure amorphisation of ice I_h or by heating of vHDA. The degree of heterogeneity can be progressively suppressed when higher pressures and temperatures are applied for the sample preparation. In accordance with the suppressed heterogeneity the maximum of the static structure factor displays a pronounced narrowing of the first strong peak, shifting towards higher Q-numbers. Moreover, the less heterogeneous the obtained structures are the slower is the transformation kinetics from the high--density modifications into LDA. The well known high-density amorphous structure HDA does not constitute any particular state of the amorphous water network. It is formed due to the preparational procedure working in liquid nitrogen as thermal bath, i.e. at about 77 K.
On the heterogeneous character of water's amorphous polymorphism
M. M. Koza,R. P. May,H. Schober
Physics , 2007, DOI: 10.1107/S0021889807004992
Abstract: In this letter we report {\it in situ} small--angle neutron scattering results on the high--density (HDA) and low-density amorphous (LDA) ice structures and on intermediate structures as found during the temperature induced transformation of HDA into LDA. We show that the small--angle signal is characterised by two $Q$ regimes featuring different properties ($Q$ is the modulus of the scattering vector defined as $Q = 4\pi\sin{(\Theta)}/\lambda_{\rm i}$ with $\Theta$ being half the scattering angle and $\lambda_{\rm i}$ the incident neutron wavelength). The very low--$Q$ regime ($< 5\times 10^{-2}$ \AA $^{-1}$) is dominated by a Porod--limit scattering. Its intensity reduces in the course of the HDA to LDA transformation following a kinetics reminiscent of that observed in wide--angle diffraction experiments. The small--angle neutron scattering formfactor in the intermediate regime of $5 \times 10^{-2} < Q < 0.5$ \AA$^{-1}$ HDA and LDA features a rather flat plateau. However, the HDA signal shows an ascending intensity towards smaller $Q$ marking this amorphous structure as heterogeneous. When following the HDA to LDA transition the formfactor shows a pronounced transient excess in intensity marking all intermediate structures as strongly heterogeneous on a length scale of some nano--meters.
The asymptotic behaviour of the initially separated A + B(static) -> 0 reaction-diffusion systems
Zbigniew Koza
Physics , 1996, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00011-3
Abstract: We examine the long-time behaviour of A+B \to 0 reaction-diffusion systems with initially separated species A and B. All of our analysis is carried out for arbitrary (positive) values of the diffusion constant D_A of particles A and initial concentrations a_0 and b_0 of A's and B's. We derive general formulae for the location of the reaction zone centre, the total reaction rate, and the concentration profile of species A outside the reaction zone. The general properties of the reaction zone are studied with a help of the scaling ansatz. Using the mean-field approximation we find the functional forms of `tails' of the reaction rate R and the dependence of the width of the reaction zone on the external parameters of the system. We also study the change in the kinetics of the system with D_B > 0 in the limit D_B \to 0. Our results are supported by numerical solutions of the mean-field reaction-diffusion equation.
The long time behavior of initially separated A+B->0 reaction-diffusion systems with arbitrary diffusion constants
Zbigniew Koza
Physics , 1996, DOI: 10.1007/BF02175561
Abstract: We examine the long time behaviour of A+B->0 reaction diffusion systems with initially segregated species A and B. All of our analysis is carried out for arbitrary (positive) values of the diffusion constants $D_A$, $D_B$, and initial concentrations $a_0$ and $b_0$ of A's and B's. We divide the domain of the partial differential equations describing the problem into several regions in which they can be reduced to simpler, solvable equations, and we merge the solutions. Thus we derive general formulae for the concentration profiles outside the reaction zone, the location of the reaction zone center, and the total reaction rate. An asymptotic condition for the reaction front to be stationary is also derived. The properties of the reaction layer are studied in the mean-field approximation, and we show that not only the scaling exponents, but also the scaling functions are independent of $D_A$, $D_B$, $a_0$ and $b_0$.

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